
Thursday, November 21, 2013

Boogie Nights Almost Went Straight To Home Video

It's that time of year. Directors, producers, multimegastars are doing the holiday press push for awards consideration on their films. One of the hallmarks of this process in the last few years has been the various roundtables that The Hollywood Reporter orchestrates, and with their "producers" roundtable having just dropped, The Playlist points out an interesting anecdote shared between Michael de Luca and Mark Wahlberg on their experience making Boogie Nights. 
MDL:  'Boogie Nights' scored horribly. They recruit for these [test screenings] off a paragraph [synopsis] in the mall, and the paragraph for 'Boogie Nights' made it look like a sitcom, and then they come for this three-hour exegesis on existential crises in porn. It got to a point where Bob Shaye, my old boss, chased good scores on that movie, and that movie was never going to score high.
MW: I remember he did his own cut and made Paul watch it.
MDL: Yeah, it was horrible. It was tough. That movie was going straight to video, and then the reviews started to come in at the New York Film Festival. If it wasn't for early reviews… 
It's hard not to consider the dazzling irony of the prospect of the film going straight to video, given its message about the effects of video production over celluloid distribution. You can watch the roundtable in its entirety below, or skip to the pertinent information starting around 44:50.

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  1. This movie is a treasure. It's always amazing to me how films like this become great and have a back story where they almost didn't come to the light of day.


  3. Does anyone know when we can expect a trailer?

    1. Try messaging AlRosePromotions on youtube. That's PTA.
      Maybe if enough people badger him, he'll cut a teaser just to get them off his back.

    2. Oh man are you serious? I knew PTA released the There Will Be Blood and The Master teasers directly onto youtube himself, it never occured to me that that must mean he has a youtube account!

    3. Yup, he mentioned it in a lot of interviews when he was doing the press for The Master

    4. thats awesome I wonder how often he checks it

  4. Just watched all of the Q&A with Joaquin Pheonix and Spike Jonze on "Her". Very interesting stuff, but no mention of Inherent Vice or PTA. Just thought I'd save people some time if they were sifting through the interviews

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