Tuesday, May 13, 2014

'Inherent Vice' Set To Expand Nationwide On 1/09/15

Unfortunately, film fans who do not live in any of the major cities in the U.S., or have convenient access to the film markets therein, will have to wait just a little bit longer to see Inherent Vice. Via Box Office Mojo, Warner Bros. has announced that the film will receive a nationwide expansion on Friday, January 9th, 2015, a full four weeks after opening in limited markets on Friday, December 12th, 2014.

As if there was any doubt at this point, the expansion date further suggests a strong awards push for the film from Warner Bros, who plotted a very similar release strategy for Spike Jonze' Her last year. (Thanks Eric Edge!)

At any rate, the countdown stays the same:
212 days until Inherent Vice is made available to the buying public.

Stay tuned to Twitter and Facebook for the latest news and updates


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  2. There are numerous reasons to love this blog and all of the great work that has taken place here over the years, so please understand that, while the following is a piece of criticism, I do respect this website and will continue to visit.

    It's just kind of irritating that you decided to accompany this bit of news with that on-set photograph of Joaquin Phoenix in his full Doc Sportello garb. This is a photograph that was likely surreptitiously snapped on set and then uploaded onto the Internet with complete disregard for PTA et al's desire to control how, and when, this film is presented to the world.

    I realize there are numerous fans who voraciously consume these kinds of images, and a lot of that surely comes from a good place: curiosity, enthusiastic anticipation for PTA's film, etc. However, I'm sure I'm not alone in feeling that I would have much preferred to get my first glimpse of Sportello via the trailer or through whatever media PTA et al decide to release first. I didn't want one of my first glimpses to be this casually snapped, unsanctioned photograph. Of course, the photograph with Jonny Greenwood (with the frame of "Inherent Vice" in the background) has been released, but I don't think that's an unsanctioned glimpse. Also, it didn't reveal much of the costuming work. I don't want to be exposed to the visual style of the character through some random, clandestine photographs (having seen it, it's obviously intriguing, arresting, exciting, etc., but I would prefer to receive these images via the official channels).

    So, there are a few things I don't understand. Why post this, given that other readers probably share my views on this matter and want to limit their exposure to the film to official sources? Posting this photograph actually runs contrary to what we can logically assume are the wishes of PTA and those who are working on this film, and it also disregards the official process that determines how, and when, media from a film is disseminated (a process that PTA always carefully controls). Again, I know this is all in a friendly spirit of anticipation and excitement, and this blog is an indispensable resource for PTA fans. Having said that, I firmly believe we shouldn't encourage this kind of stuff (and certainly not force all readers to view it). Again, I would rather wait until we receive more sanctioned glimpses. I just don't understand why you have given your readers no choice but to be exposed to this photograph by pairing it with this piece of news.

    1. We are willing to consider any and all thoughtful and legitimate criticism and we thank you for posting.

  3. It's rather benign to post a picture from the set -- or even a picture from any stages of production. I fail to see how the image of an actor on set during production ruins anything -- other than maybe some expectations on wardrobe.

    Where does this assumption that PTA wants to control every public image of production come from? I'm sure he's expectant that people will snap shots while a movie is filming -- whether it be fans or reporters, et al. That's quite different than releasing footage without his consent from a soon-to-be finished product.

    If this photograph -- or any photograph -- from the production has bothered you so, I'd suggest questioning this hugbox mentality you have. The whole complaint comes off as overly-sensitive to a non-issue. The characters are in the book; the plot is in the book; the scenes are in the book; if you're upset about choice of clothing, then, fine, that's MAYBE a legitimate complaint; but, being this whiny about a simple on-set photo is just too much. I can't be sympathetic to your opinion; to me, it's more indicative of contemporary culture and how it's predicated upon hand-holding rather than getting-over-it.

    You can't really avoid seeing such pictures -- because, y'know, you've already seen it -- but, it doesn't really affect the actual film/acting/cinematography/script/etc.

    So, in summation: get over it.

  4. I was hoping that my obviously legitimate complaint would be understood and elicit at least some measure of sympathy, or at the very least a *tactful* and considerate reply…rather than a truculent, snarky dismissal. I find a lot of things about your response curious, such as the way you so eagerly leap to derogatory and unwarranted comments (“hug box”?) and remarks that are obnoxious in their ‘meaning’ and phrasing (“you can’t really avoid seeing such pictures — because, y’know, you’ve already it”).

    It’s also bizarre that you then proceed to maunder on about the book (I read it a few years ago), as if its existence has any actual bearing on the matter at hand (i.e., the release of media reflecting PTA’s visual interpretation of Pynchon’s text; the book and our familiarity of PTA’s proclivities may help us to speculate about what said interpretation might resemble, but it hardly offers us the kind of specifically vivid and actual details that are captured in that photograph).

    It’s also weird that you make this lofty attempt to pathologize my legitimate criticism; suddenly, my desire to experience a film through the artist, rather than some random person snapping photographs, is symptomatic of a cloistered, hyper-sensitive “contemporary culture.” I think that’s ridiculous but, naturally, you’ll disagree.

    Amidst the truculence, you eventually concede (with a dollop of what comes across as petulant reluctance), that my complaint is *possibly* legitimate. Indeed, I would rather have been exposed to the hair, costuming and overall presentation of Phoenix as Sportello via the inevitable teaser trailer or other official channels (i.e., in a context that would more effectively complement and honour the considerable work of the many individuals who have helped to mount this expensive production). You seem to have a chip on your shoulder about what you have deemed to be an overly sensitive section of film enthusiasts, but there’s something rude and unwarranted about you taking this particular opportunity to indulge in your irritations in such a manner. After all, it’s hardly preposterous to imagine that a fan of PTA, and someone who is anticipating “Inherent Vice,” might also be anticipating the myriad details and pleasures that the film will encompass: this includes, believe it or not, the specificity of the visual portrayal of the *central character*. This is but one of many delights that fans can expect from the film, of course. Having seen the photograph, there’s clearly a level of visual flair that’s quite exciting and striking, but this first glimpse would likely have benefitted from being given a more thoughtful and sanctioned presentation.

    Here are a few unnecessary reminders. Is this is the end of the world? No. Is the film or the forthcoming promotional material completely undone by the release of such photographs? No. But I never stated this. I’m simply stating that I would have *preferred* to have been exposed to Sportello’s appearance via the teaser trailer rather than a random photograph. In making my post, I was hoping that I might persuade Cigarettes and Red Vines to avoid posting unsanctioned photographs of the film in future news pieces, as I don’t want to have to avoid coming to this great website, and I think it is in bad form.

    Again, as I said, the photograph represents one delight among many. The remaining pleasures and intrigues of the film (and its official promotional material) will, I am certain, far exceed whatever has been prematurely and unnecessarily exposed by this photograph.

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  8. There wasn't room for the end of my post, so here it is:

    I think that PTA’s keen interest in closely determining how his films (especially initially) are exposed has been borne out in many ways. There is, for instance, the fact that he created and released our first glimpses of “There Will Be Blood” and “The Master” (cutting and releasing the trailers on his own terms, informing the poster designs, etc.). Since “Hard Eight,” hasn’t PTA not only insisted upon final cut but also supervision of the promotional media surrounding his films? The conceptual design for the “Magnolia” poster, for example, was his idea, right? He's an artist who clearly understands, from experience, the hazards of inappropriately or carelessly presenting a film to the world.

    Even if you set all of this aside, why would a filmmaker ever want randomly snapped photographs of a film to be released without his consent? Since when has PTA been the type to be totally cavalier and transparent about his films during their production and prior to their official release? There's always a level of exciting mystery surrounding his productions and that's great, it's part of the fun -- in this case, a deluge of unauthorized media has surfaced, and I wish it hadn't.

    The photographs won’t destroy or truly hurt the film, obviously, but it’s also not a negligible matter — these kinds of things exist in a paratextual wasteland of unnecessary “noise" and distraction. I would rather greatly delimit this noise and allow my gradual experience of the *event* of this film (as all of PTA’s films are events) to be facilitated via the official channels. I was doing a good job of this, and I would fare a little bit better if the one site I turn to for my PTA-related news would abstain from offering their tacit endorsement of such photographs.

    1. i think someone needs to chill

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. It's rather trivial to get offended by photos taken from the set. As you even agree, they won't hurt or destroy the film; and they aren't noise, by any means. If we are to reduce what I assume are your sentiments to a pure state, one must also avoid trailers, or official press photos because they hint at the final product -- even if the intention is by the director.

      It's like going into the line of a rollercoaster and putting on a blindfold and earplugs until you get there. I don't see reason to do so. If you want to avoid seeing such pictures, you could stop browsing this site until the film is released and watch it yourself. I, and many others, aren't bothered by such pictures because they seriously do not detract from the product; if anything, they add to the expectation.

      To each their own, I suppose; but, again: entirely trivial and not worth the effort to censor.

  9. I'm not sure what your actual intent is here, so forgive my assumption if I'm incorrect, but replies like this end up coming across as somewhat condescending. Comments like "i think someone needs to chill" can seem vaguely patronizing (in this case, there's the suggestion that my vehemently expressed argument perhaps boils down to a matter of personal pique and temperament; this suggestion disregards the argument itself). Yes, I'm passionately discussing something, and my responses have been verbose and ardent. However, it would be pretty dismal if every lengthy and passionate argument yielded these kind of off-hand "chill out, dude" remarks (especially since it's not like my posts were seething with apoplectic rage... I was simply trying to defend and communicate my point, albeit in an admittedly longwinded and passionate manner).

    1. Off hand comment my ass...just chill bruv...

    2. Wow. I'm blown away to begin with. This guy.

      A. He needs to remove himself from a PTA devoted blog if he wants to avoid anything like this. I’m trying to avoid anything Star Wars so y’know what I have been doing? Well for starters I’ve not been actively going onto Star Wars blogs reading all the articles and then complaining about their spoiler nature.

      2. It's the costume in a PTA movie, it's not a the unveiling of the Bat-suit or first glimpse of any renowned iconic character whose very appearance is going to cause a furore of excitement.

      • He is very eloquent but it doesn’t stop him being moronic. He later states “Comments like "i think someone needs to chill" can seem vaguely patronizing “ and gets very defensive about criticism of his point. This whilst saying “...I think that’s ridiculous but, naturally, you’ll disagree” So he makes presumptions which imply he has thought about every point and angle that his complainant could have and then disregards it with a wave of his hand. The air of superiority that this guy is surrounding himself with is so thick you could squeeze it like a fat mans belly.

      - Why does he keep deleting his previous comments? Is this guy actually spending days rewriting them after looking up more words in a thesaurus?

      He freely admits he’s going to watch the trailer and teaser or some enjoy other imagery as long as PTA himself farts it out of his own asshole. So, it’s not as if he wants to go blind into the cinema anyway.

      I call eloquent-troll.

  10. If photos leak, please keep posting them here. Great to see updates regardless. Anyone else want to see Bryan Cranston in a PTA film? Walter Plainview.

  11. Lately I've been checking this page at least four or five times a day for any new updates. Come on Paul, enough is enough, GIVE US A TRAILER!! Or at least some teasers like you did with "Master" I just neeeed some Inherent Vice in my life!!!

    1. I know how you feel. Decided to read the book again.
      How long before The Master did the teaser come out, btw?

  12. I´ts really crazy and exciting how we all wait for a teaser or trailer, i also check the site 4 or 5 times a day! The first teaser for The Master came out in may 21, 2012, 5 months before the film´s initial release date in october.

  13. I just hope Pynchon's at the premier, really.

    1. no news in over a month. This is getting irritating...

    2. As Dr. Frank N. Furter always sez, I see you shiver with antici.......................................................pation....

  14. I just find it so cool that the Pynchonverse and the PTAverse are married now. What a match!


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