Saturday, May 18, 2013

EXCLUSIVE: Sean Penn In Talks For ‘Inherent Vice'

With its huge cast of 20+ characters, "Inherent Vice" is shaping up to be PTA's most star-studded effort since "Magnolia" back in 1999. After that film, PTA's ensembles began to feature a few stars at the center supported by less recognizable faces, eschewing his '90s ensemble of players for performers who could lend his films a more grounded realism. (PDL: Sandler, Watson & Hoffman, TWBB: Day-Lewis & Dano, The Master: Phoenix, Hoffman & Adams.) But after three features in that mode, his latest appears to be another left turn, with star after star joining the project. Let's run down the cast so far: Joaquin Phoenix, Owen Wilson, Benicio Del Toro, Reese Witherspoon, Jena Malone, Martin Short and Kevin O'Connor. Though its likely the remainder of the roles have been locked for weeks, PTA and co. have been keeping any official announcements completely under wraps. So in lieu of a press release, we've had to do a little digging and come back with some pretty huge news.

We first heard the whispers online and have now gotten word from a source close to production that Sean Penn may be joining the film in an as-yet-undisclosed role. If we were to take a guess, we'd say it's likely Penn is being targeted for Adrian Prussia, a powerful loan shark known to get violent when not compensated properly. This is especially exciting news for those longtime C&RV readers who will remember that Penn was originally supposed to play the role of Dean Trumbell in "Punch-Drunk Love" with Philip Seymour Hoffman and John C. Reilly originally slated to play two of the brothers. But Penn was forced to drop out of the film, Hoffman took the role and a PTA-Penn collaboration had to be put on hold for a decade. Filming on 'Vice' is set to get underway very shortly so there should be some more casting announcements yet to come. And if you're involved with the production, why don't you drop us a line?

Fun facts: Sean will be the third fourth member of the Penn family to work with PTA. Sean's brother Michael Penn was responsible for the scores for "Hard Eight" (along with Jon Brion) and "Boogie Nights" (and is married to Aimee Mann), their late brother actor Chris Penn starred in the elusive "Flagpole Special" short back in 1998 and their mother Eileen Ryan appeared in "Magnolia" as Mary.

Stay tuned to Twitter and Facebook for the latest news and updates.
"The Master" is now available on Blu-ray and DVD


  1. Amazing. Let's hope Jim Carrey will be announced as Bigfoot in the next week

    1. Would love to see Carrey join so I asked about this too but not hearing anything about him in the film yet.

  2. Also, Eileen Ryan (the Penn's mama) played Mary in Magnolia. So this would be the fourth collaboration.

  3. Wow. Great scoop, and congrats! I know you put the Charlize rumors to rest, but I just HOPE she has a role somewhere in here.

    Also would love to hear Jim Carrey's name announced.

  4. I know he could probably play either but to the book readers, is Penn more of a Wolfmann or a Prussia?

    Jim Carrey's casting has to be imminent now. Anyone else as Bigfoot would feel like such a letdown at this point...

    1. Even Michael Shannon?

    2. I suppose he'd be the next best thing but the prospect of Carrey in a PTA film is really making me giddy so if it doesn't materialize, then it'll be a bit disappointing regardless of who's in the role.

  5. I think Penn would be a good Wolfmann and Prussia.

    Jim Carrey is doing A LOT of productions already, if he can fit it in, that'd be cool, if not, I'd be okay with a lot of actors.

    Also, why is it so final that Benicio is Sauncho? I think it would make much more sense if he was Tito... Considering his age and ethnicity. Plus the fact that scenes with Tito would be in LAS VEGAS! I mean tell me that wouldn't be amazing!

    Reese is interesting to say the least, I could see her doing a good job.

    Joaquin is going to be awesome as Doc, no matter what this film will be great with Phoenix. Very exciting stuff, great job Cigs & Red Vines!

  6. Oh my god this is fbleeping amazing.

  7. That's what I'm talking about..!!!

  8. Melora Walters will also have a role.

  9. i told you there was a sean out wait 2 or 3 more days 'til you hear a jim

    1. Sorry to say that Jim Carrey will NOT be appearing in "Inherent Vice." Just confirmed with his reps.

    2. Maybe he means another Jim???

  10. I have a feeling David Warshofsky might be in this. He was in There Will Be Blood and The Master just like Kevin J. O'Connor.

  11. ok so sean is adrian and either carrey,shannon,reilly or vaughn will be bigfoot...i have 2 big questions:
    who is gonna be mickey..i mean its a small role but could it be offered to a legend like de niro,hoffman or nicholson?
    any word on pattinson involvement i this?

    1. I still really want to see Pattinson as Denis...and I'm not exactly sure why. There's just something about it that would be really interesting.

  12. Mr.Vince Vaughn also joined.

    1. Too exhausted trying to follow up on these Anonymous tips. Email plz. Thx.

    2. i quess the whole bromance will lead to vaugh and pattinson joining the sorry to hear that jim carrey won't be involved in this

  13. I see Penn playing Adrian Prussia as an amalgam of two of Penn's previous characters surfer hippie Jeff Spicoli and irascible mafia kingpin Mickey Cohan. During a scene of irate interrogation Adrian pauses to have a pizza delivered. This way, just like in Fast Times, he can have a little feast on his time.


  15. Anybody else thinking Oscar Isaac could easily fit in somewhere?

  16. What is the budget of this crazy film?

    1. that is a great question...with warner behind it, you think 30>?

  17. I heard about Robert Pattinson also. But why isnt any announcement for him?

    1. I had heard few similar whispers

  18. I told ya! Now Viggo has joined the cast. He will play Bigfoot.

    1. so modage ...since you talked with the reps of the actors that were speculated to have a role you have any idea of who is gonna be bigfoot and wolfman?what about vince you manage to get in contact with his reps..micahel shannon?

  19. Melora Walters will be announced as Clancy Charlock any day now....

    1. Also don't be surprised if most of the 7 PTA Boogie Nights/Magnolia regular return in one way or another

    2. I would love to see John C Reilly in this... but didnt he and PTA have a falling out around about the time of PUNCH DRUNK LOVE?

      PTA wanted him to be in it as one of the brothers, but Reilly refused?

      Maybe i have got this all wrong. Anybody know if they are still in touch? Do they talk about eachother in interviews?

    3. I was wondering the same thing. It would be a real shame if John C Reilly and PTA never worked together again. There is an old article on this site where PTA interviews John C Reilly about Magnolia, and they talk about how this is the last time they were going to work together. It seemed like they were joking around and busting each other's balls, but they really haven't worked together since then! Reilly was going to play one of the brother-in laws in PDL, but he dropped out because he "thought people would be confused as to why he didn't have a bigger part". But Reilly has always spoken very highly of PTA in interviews so I dunno. I think he'd make a wonderful Denis

    4. i would like to see o'reilly in this movie but not as bigfoot

    5. I actually think PTA will steer clear of his Boogie Nights cast as seeing that crew in a similar time period but as different characters would be distracting.

    6. It worked from Boogie Nights to Magnolia and those were back to back. Its been 17 years since Boogie Nights, do you really think people are going to be confused as to why the chracters from BN are in another movie?

  20. According to his IMDb page, John C. Reilly is no longer starring in Life After Beth with Aubrey Plaza. Could he be freeing up some space?

  21. These 'anonymous tips' are getting out of hand, theirs a new one every day and they always seem to contradict the other or smoothing over mistakes they've claimed...
    Official confirmation from Cigs & Vines is all I'm looking for now.

  22. Here's an anonymous tip: Reese Witherspoon will get her naked ass smacked in this movie. For that Paul Thomas Anderson wins awesome director of all time award from me...

    1. People actually find Reese attractive and want to see her naked?
      Just asking.

    2. I'd like to see her naked. I'd especially like to see her naked ass get spanked while Joaquin Phoenix plays out a Manson girl sex fantasy. Call me crazy, that's how I feel.

    3. reese witherspoon is quite attractive, i think.

  23. ok WHO THE HELL is going to be bigfoot?

    1. Hoping it's Michael Shannon but somehow, I get the sense that Joaquin hanging out with Vince Vaughn is probably no coincidence now...

  24. Does anyone else think Thomas Jane would make an excellent Puck?

  25. For those who have read the novel, how many 'big' roles are left to fill, aside from the Bigfoot ad Micky Wolfman characters?

    1. Mean to reply to you with the comment below

  26. Denis
    Puck Beaverton
    Glen Charlock

    1. I've never read the book, but judging from the little bit of plot I know, do Sloane Wolfmann and her lover Riggs Warbling have big parts?

    2. Not Sloan. But Riggs has a great, very paranoid, very Pynchon, scene later in the novel. So they should be getting a decent actor for him.

    3. Who is Penny? I read the book a couple of years ago and I don`t remember her. Is that a big role?

    4. She's in the DA's office. Doc's girlfriend who finds stuff out for him.

  27. So are we all on the same page that this is basically the most anticipated PTA film to date? A pynchon novel and the names that have already been attached?

    plus set in the 69/70--i truly think this has potential to be his greatest achievement.

    i have a feeling critics will latch onto the whole "no plot" thing as they seemed to with the master... the novels plot is aimless and ultimately probably unfulfilling to most american audiences. but who needs plot when you have characters named japonica and puck and shasta!

  28. Replies
    1. A Baby Named JesusMay 24, 2013 at 2:15 AM

      I know right, I'M DYING HERE!

  29. According to The Film Stage, Inherent Vice is now shooting.

  30. INHERENT VICE is now shooting.

    'Joaquin Phoenix couldn’t be in Cannes because he’s shooting a little movie called “Inherent Vice.”
    One of the first questions from the media in Canne was, where’s Joaquin? Well, he’s currently shooting the much-anticipated new movie from Paul Thomas Anderson based on the stoner/detective novel by Thomas Pynchon. “Actually, believe it or not, he wanted to come, which is a first,” Gray said. “But he’s in the middle of shooting a movie with Paul Thomas Anderson and they wouldn’t let him out. You know it’s a Friday in the middle of a shoot week so, it was impossible.”'

  31. ok so let the casting news flood all over the place

  32. oh come on who is bigfoot..wolfmann...dennis?why aren't there any more news?

  33. Several websites are reporting that Josh Brolin has joined the cast.

  34. I hope they will announce this as official soon, he will be great as Adrian Prussia.

  35. I know who was cast as Denis. He's an unknown, so all the speculation here is useless. Casting an unknown in a large role in a large film with a stellar ensemble cast is insane, unless you're PTA. He'll pull it off. Always does.

    1. so you'll tell us who it is or what?

  36. His hair HAS been getting really long these past few months.....getting into a Prussia state of mind, maybe?

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