Friday, September 21, 2012

‘The Master' Deleted Scenes

One of the first things you may notice about "The Master" is that many, many of the scenes present in the film's marketing did not make it into the finished film. An LA Times article cites Joaquin Phoenix as saying that PTA doesn't worry about continuity, he's open to improvisation and often scenes that might take up one-eighth of a page can shoot for a day and a half. The actor told Time, "Paul will write many, many scenes that won’t make it into the movie." In some cases entire scenes have been left unused, while in other cases the scene in the trailer is an alternate (and sometimes substantially different) take of the one in the film (ie: the "Just tell me something that's true!" is not present during the finished jail sequence). To make note these changes, we've compiled a list of the deleted scenes as well as extended and alternate takes from the various marketing materials that don't appear in the final cut.



Scenes From The Beach
Phoenix told Time, "There were a lot of scenes where we saw what Freddie had experienced in the war, and a lot of the physical damage that had occurred. There is reference to some of that in the beginning of the film." These snapshots of Freddie on the beach were seen in teaser #1 and the full-length trailer.

Debriefing Scene Added Bits
During the debriefing scene in the film we're never shown Freddie in the room with the other soliders but both shots here show Freddie in the room in close up and wide angle. Seen in the trailer.

Inkblot Test Alternate Take 
Alternate camera angles and even filthier (and completely hilarious) dialogue for the inkblot test scene. Seen in its entirety in teaser #6.

Meeting Peggy - Additional "Time Holes" Dialogue
Freddie sits down with Peggy and she explains Time Holes in an extended version of this scene from teaser #3.
Freddie: What's this "time hole" business?
Peggy: It means going back to a place and realizing you're on the wrong track. And getting ready to start life over from the ground floor so that you can get out of your hole.

Processing - Alternate Dialogue
After Freddie is asked if he is unpredictable and farts during processing, The Master chides him by saying, ""What a horrible young man you are. You're a dirty animal who eats its own feces when it's hungry," instead of the much more playful version in the film where he says it's good to laugh. Seen in teaser #7.

Mildred Drummond's House - Extra Bits
A few extra shots from Mildred Drummond's house in NYC from the "Back Beyond" compilation.

Alternate Jail Scene
Probably the most iconic dialogue in any of the trailers - "I know you're trying to calm me down but just tell me something that's true!" - is not used in the actual film. The take used in the film features Freddie with his shirt torn off as he and Dodd yell at one another.

Post-Jail Horseplay- Alternate Take
The Master welcomes Freddie home from jail by throwing him over his shoulder in this alternate take from "Back Beyond."

Window To The Wall - Extra Bit
The Master and Freddie dance happily during Freddie's window-to-the-wall processing (seen in teaser #8).

Peggy Close-Up - Additional Dialogue
During Peggy's mental exercise with Freddie where she instructs him to turn her eyes black, she also offers the following excised instructions in teaser #7. "I want you to place something in the future for yourself that you would like to have.  It's there, waiting for you."

Window To The Wall - Extended
This outtake was utilized excellently in trailer #2. Freddie banging on the window is likely a longer/alternate take during his 'window to the wall' exercise. In the film he completes the task and it's still daytime but here it's night which wouldn't fit in the continuity.

Ranch Photo Shoot - Alternate
In this alternate take, The Master poses on the fence for Freddie (seen during "Back Beyond.")

Motorcycle Sequence - Extra Bits
After Freddie rides off on his motorcycle, it The Master, Elizabeth and Clark wait for his return in this production still and the camera continues to track Freddie in teaser #8.

Casper Reverse Shot
Casper the Friendly Ghost cartoon which Freddie can be heard watching at the movie theatre (from "Back Beyond").


WWII Glimpse
Brief shot of two soldiers lighting a cigarette during WWII (from "Back Beyond").

Jumping Off The Ship
Presumably Freddie and another sailor jump off a Navy ship. Seen in the trailer and extra shots from "Back Beyond."

Freddie On Shore Leave
Freddie still in his Navy uniform attends a party (from "Back Beyond").

Freddie Makes Out In The Car
Freddie makes out with an unnamed woman in the backseat of a car in trailer #2. Additional footage from "Back Beyond."

"I Lost My Ship"
Freddie runs across the dock and tells some other sailors that he's lost his ship. Seen in its entirety in teaser #4.

Freddie Makes Hooch
Freddie mixes up some of his potion in a Navy latrine (from "Back Beyond").

"Was There A Fight?" - Alternate Interview Scene
An army doctor questions Freddie. Seen in its entirety in teaser #1.

Gone To China
Freddie leaves a note that he's heading to China. Seen in its entirety in teaser #5.

Freddie Sees The Master
These shots appear to show Freddie's POV "skulking and sneaking" to observe The Master and his family when first onboard the ship. Seen in the trailer.

Dodd Family Dinner Scene
The Dodd's eat dinner together likely when Freddie first sneaks onto the ship, revealed during teaser #2 and an accompanying production still.

The Master Questions Freddie
Shortly after arriving on his ship, The Master casually interrogates Freddie (from "Back Beyond").

Freddie Runs
Freddie runs in this shot reminiscent of Barry Egan in "Punch-Drunk Love." From his suit we can assume this takes place on the same night he pays a late-night visit to John Moore. Seen in the trailer.

Clark & Freddie At A Bar
Clark tells Freddie about how dangerous The Master's book has been to those that come in contact with it (from "Back Beyond").

Clark Carries Freddie
Clark carries a limp Freddie in teaser #7. This scene looks like it takes place just after the duo attack John More.

The Master's Speech
In this deleted scene, The Master approaches a microphone with determination and addresses a crowd with the following dialogue, "I'd like to talk to you today about cold feet and narrow minds.  People who have cold feet cannot move forward. People who have narrow minds cannot move side to side. They both take courage.  This is what I'd like to talk about." It would appear this scene takes place directly after The Master scolds Freddie for beating up John More.

Freddie In Court
In this deleted scene, Freddie freaks out in the courtroom after being arrested, seen in teaser #8.

Elizabeth Close-Up
In this provocative closeup during trailer #2, Elizabeth sticks her tongue out and waves it around in a deleted sequence one can only imagine was due to fit into the window-to-the-wall montage (featuring Peggy speaking directly to camera/Freddie).

Helen Sullivan Processes Freddie
Helen attempts to process Freddie (from "Back Beyond") in Philadelphia.

Freddie & The Master In The Car
I've actually got no idea where this scene might occur in the film (they're clothes are so unfamiliar to me) but perhaps this takes place during the Philadelphia stay at Helen Sullivan's.

Arizona Convention Extra Bit
Freddie walking around the corner possibly either before he enters the convention or after he beats up Bill for insulting book #2. Seen in teaser #2. Freddie enters the room at the Arizona convention while The Master looks on from the crowd. From trailer #2 and "Back Beyond."

The Master Hugs Melora
Melora Walters is credited in the film as being in the "Voice" in the band of during the Philadelphia section of the credits but is unseen in the film. She's shown briefly being embraced by The Master during trailer #2. Additional footage from "Back Beyond."

Freddie Retraces The Past
Freddie lays on a bench outside Doris' house in teaser #7. According to the Guardian:
PTA explains that there was a scene near the end of the film that he eventually cut out, which showed Quell retracing his steps to a park bench where he had once been happy. Quell lies down on the bench, trying to travel in time; to cast himself back to a golden moment before the war. Damn it, says Anderson. He should never have cut that scene.

Freddie & Doris
Freddie visits Doris presumably in a flashback seen during teaser #3.

Freddie & Doris 2
Freddie visits Doris presumably in a flashback also during teaser #3.

Elizabeth Goes Shooting/Freddie & The Master Dig Up The Mystery Box
Elizabeth shoots a rifle before The Master and Freddie dig up the manuscript. Seen in trailer #2. Additional footage from "Back Beyond."

Freddie In The Master's Office
Freddie opens the crate supposedly containing Book #2 that he & The Master dug up and its contents burst into flames. Seen in teaser #7 with much more footage in "Back Beyond."

Freddie In The Woods
Freddie crosses the river to the approaching cars on the road. He appears to be wearing the same outfit he has while in Arizona watching The Master's briefcase so this likely takes place near that sequence. Seen in teaser #2.

Freddie Heads To England
One of the most beautiful/iconic shots from the trailer features Freddie leaning over the side of a ship extending his arms outwards. From his pea coat we can assume this scene takes place when Freddie is on his way to England to meet Lancaster at the end of the film. (Alt angle from "Back Beyond.")


Outer Space Dream Sequence.
"He had a scene that took place in outer space and he had a couple dream sequences that the followers of The Master were visualizing. But he ended up realizing he didn’t need them so we never shot them. That was one of the guys that was going into past lives. He was an astronaut and he got disconnected from his spaceship and flew out into space. We were trying to figure out how to do it because it had to be from a 50s sensibility. It was before we really had people in space so you couldn’t really use that as a reference even if he was making it up in his subconscious, it had to relate to stuff he knew from the period. It was a fun shot to plan but he ultimately didn’t need it." - Production Designer Jack Fisk

Ireland Dream Sequence.
"There was a scene in Ireland that we didn’t do, another one of the flashback scenes. It was a woman being killed by soldiers in a [barnyard in Ireland]. But that was back in the 1740’s." - Production Designer David Crank


  1. It kind of upsets me to see so many scenes and shots that got me absolutely excited for the film are not in it. They look so beautiful & seem so essential in establishing tone & character. Then again I have not seen it so I presume I am completely wrong but I feel mildly bummed.

    1. I totally agree, I have seen it and I was also expecting to see all these powerfull scenes shown on the trailers, and as I was watching the movie I was continuously expecting them but they never came. It was a little disappointing. However I really loved the movie and I think that if Paul decided to eliminate those scenes for the final film he must have had a good reason.

  2. I wanna see these so bad!!! Thanks for putting this together. You guys rock.

  3. It's a shame not to have some of those shots, but I was not remotely disappointed when I saw the film. Hope you enjoy it just the same!

  4. This actually makes me more excited. If the shots which mesmerized me weren't good enough for the film, then the shots that made it in must be amazing.

  5. Freddie walking away in teaser #2 is definitely after he manhandles Bill. If you look close, you can see Bill in the background, sitting on the bench, hat back on, wiping his mouth, his food plate still sadly on the cement :)

  6. I believe the Dodd Family Dinner Scene takes place the night Freddie stows away onto their ship. I think Master is in that green suit when we get a glimpse of him dancing with Peggy on the deck.

  7. Aw yes, and the Green Suit when Freddie skulks and sneaks!

  8. I was definitely bummed that so much of these scenes and shots were absent from the film, and frankly, I'm really disappointed that the music from "She Wrote Me a Letter", wasn't in the film at all, or on the soundtrack. I love that music! It's so good, so powerful. I love the film, but because of these trailers, it feels incomplete to me.

  9. Bummed the Golden Gate Bridge scene didn't make it. It showed what mess Freddie was even while on duty and the early morning dusk just fit perfectly... Really really bummed to not see the 'tell me something that's true' line. I thought the best acting and most powerful scene was the jailhouse scene. If they could have included that speech, it would have been an 'i drink your milkshake' moment. Let's all hope for the extended version hopefully someday in the future!

    First time the site, keep up the good work!

  10. Hopefully there will be a Blossoms/Bloods type deal on the blu-ray. An edited montage of shots, scenes, impressions, all unsued footage.

    Also, has anybody figured out who Fiona Doruiff played? For those who read the early draft, could she have been Ellen, the dancer Freddie met and inspired her to join the Cause?

    1. Fiona Dourif plays the Violin player in the scene where all the women are naked...

    2. Maybe an alternate ending--Freddie moves in with Laura Dern's character who's been excommunicated. He makes weird chemical drinks and she huffs paint, reprising her role in Citizen Ruth.
      Just joking of course...

  11. "Freddie In The Woods"

    Takes place after Freddie runs away from the farm where the guy died... It says in the script:

    "LATER. off the side of the highway, freddie collects himself, obviously running for the past hour and evading the Filipino's

    He hitches now..."

    That's exactly what happens in trailer #2.

  12. There will not be an "extended" version, because PT releases the film that PT wants to release. I agree that it is a bit odd on the first viewing to be waiting for these moments which we've fallen in love with to come, then never appear, but once you know that, and have been through once, your mind is able to just shut up and watch, truly appreciating the craft of the narrative, and fearlessness to cut out what may be beautiful moments, but a disservice to the piece as a whole. AND THEN, you can fall in love with these separate vignettes all over again as little treasures that too still exist in that world and timeline. Like a well adapted book to film, the two accounts of the story work together to form one grand picture.

  13. I bet the Gone to China shot was at one point being considered for the final shot of the film. Going from that final scene and then showing that shot set to "Changing Partners" as the frame closes on the phrase, "Gone to China, Freddie Quell" as Freddie walks off down the hallway. Would've worked great, but so does the ending it has now. Interesting.

    1. No, the Gone to China, is very early in the script. After a doctor tells Freddie to shape up, he gets him a job at the hospital. Only for a little while of course, then leaves the note.

      The ending was always the same, except the very last shot.

    2. Where can I find this script that everybody seems to have read?

  14. The scene I was looking forward to seeing the most based on the script was Freddie detoxing from alcohol in the desert as he alone dug up the Book 2. The burlesque scene where Clark tells Freddie about the Split Saber and then Freddie tosses the stripper The Cause literature and then passes out (which apparently they shot and then just didn't use) is sort of hinted at later. In the script Elizabeth Dodd does more than just "flirt" with Freddie and there was a cool scene where Freddie visits his younger cousin who sort of looks up to Freddie as his own master. At one point Freddie was supposed to fall off the movie theater balcony and wake up in the hospital next to the stripper whose life he saved by giving The Cause literature to. He was also supposed to be covered head to toe in tattoos by the end. This film has veered the further from the original script than any of his previous films. Apparently it changed a lot as it went along.

    I still wish the "gone fishing"/"I think Eli is a lunatic and you are a weak little man, Abel" sequence in TWBB made it to the final cut.

    1. Yes, the orignal script was rather different. Notable changes I remember:
      - no naked female dancers, but the jerk-off scene is still there
      - the opening is a doctor telling Freddie to get his life together because he has a surgical belt
      -when Freddie sneaks onto the ship, he is drugged by the Master, then later questioned. Alluded in the film when, Master tells him- 'you were acting aggressive from the alcohol"
      -no application 45
      - the script had a lot more to do with the cause- Val runs off, Freddie needs to go find a mysterious box, and when he thinks about it-he visions flames shooting out, a daydream during the Master's sermon when Laura Dern calls him out, when Freddie dreams about cutting the Master's head off, and of course the scenes you mentioned
      -in the script, Dodd delivers the 'we must attack speech, this is where we find ourselves' not Peggy or Mary Sue, who was at age 20
      - more of Elizabeth coming onto Freddie, but him denying her
      -more of Freddie/Clark, when clark tells Freddie about the Split Saber and how much it's worth at a brothel

      It seems it was more about the cause, but like PTA said, he wanted it to be a love story between Dodd/Freddie and changed it.
      I don't recall any gun moments, but it seems the shot of Freddie in the room pointing the pistol would probably take place after fleeing from the Flipinos

  15. During the "Was There A Fight?" - Alternate Interview Scene when Freddie is asked by the Doctor: How would you yourself rank your overall health?
    Freddie doesn't just grunt, he says: Strong.

  16. In the "She Wrote Me a Letter" trailer you see Freddie during processing say, "I see Doris, and we walk... She wrote me a letter, no one else wrote me a letter... She just looks at me..." Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't remember that being in the film. Love the trailer but I can see why it's not in the film, as Freddie talks about the letter before and after that scene. It almost works better as a small vignette with Greenwood's piece of music.

  17. These lines that are previewed in Teaser #7, ARE in the film, just from different scenes, used in the teaser as voiceover.

    After Peggy handles Master at the sink, she wakes Freddie up in the living room, and speaks to him: "I want you to place something in the future for yourself that you would like to have.  It's there, waiting for you."

    When Freddie tells Master that he "talked to" John Moore, Master reprimands his soldier: "What a horrible young man you are. You're a dirty animal who eats its own feces when it's hungry,"

  18. The fact that we will never see that 'Jumping Off the Ship" shot on a giant theater screen in 70mm fills me with sadness...

  19. What font is used in the final credits?

  20. The actor told Time, "Paul will write many, many scenes that won’t make it into the movie." In some cases entire scenes have been left unused, while in other cases the scene in the trailer is an alternate (and sometimes substantially different) take of the one in the film (ie: the "Just tell me something that's true!" is not present during the finished jail sequence). china manufacturing

  21. i assumed Elizabeth's tongue trick was her giving freddie the signal that Master requires more of his potion.

    peace from palestine!

  22. You'll notice many 'uncredited' Boston Dock Workers in IMDb. These scenes, filmed in San Francisco Bay Area near the very beginning of filming (June 2011), where cut. Only small portions that made it were when Freddy walked onto the ship from the pier. Wish some of these deleted scenes would make the Blu-Ray but does not sound like it.
    There were hundreds of Boston Dock Workers involved including an all-night filming.

  23. please try to post and find deleted scenes from hiring hall/boston dock workers on Mare Island - the boat scene in San Fran Bay Area!
    I was given a joke by PTA to tell Joaquin and he bummed cigarettes and small talk with me in the scenes - about 15-20 takes.
    Joaquin tells my joke on the beach in the movie - "you wanna know how to get rid of crabs?..."
    totally cut...

  24. It seems silly to cut the book story, with the crate and the bursting in flames, while leaving the trek out to the desert. Anyone unfamiliar with the script is going to be confused by the finished film: "what the hell was that scene about?"

  25. In regards to the previous comment, I think that scene stills stand up when Dodd says that the crate contains "my lifes work" or something to that effect and then not long after we're in preparation for the unveiling for the book.

  26. I'm thinking PTA remake of The Shining with Joaquin as Jack Torrence...not that PTA'd probably ever do a remake of anything. Still, it could be amazing...

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